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Mentoring for your agile roles
Mentoring for your agile roles

Agile Mentoring: Learn effectiveness through professional guidance.

We provide your agile roles with experienced mentors who support them in learning new skills and achieving their goals.

Free initial conversation Learn more

Analysis of the current situation in a free initial conversation
Assistance tailored to
your needs
Steep learning curve for
your agile roles

Where we can support you

  • You are already working according to the Scrum Guide, but the processes are not yet running smoothly?
  • Your scrum masters and product owners have the theory, but hardly any practical experience?
  • Are you post agile transformation and don't know what to do next?

Provide your agile roles with proven know-how

Here's how our Agile Mentoring works

Our mentors are not consultants, but act as coaches and sparring partners. Always in mind: the goal of increasing the effectiveness of your agile roles.

  • Operational support by our experienced scrum masters and product owners
  • Our support is just as individual as your concrete needs – definitely not according to a checklist
  • On request, we come to your events as silent observers with subsequent individual or team reflection
  • You alone determine the duration of the contract – whether by sprints or for six months
  • At your office, remote or hybrid

Book free initial conversation

How you can benefit from our Agile Mentoring

Increased process reliability

We support your teams in the development cycle and ensure smooth processes

Continuous feedback

Our mentoring is designed to reflect together and provide ongoing feedback

Expanding the methodological toolbox

We provide your agile roles with new methods like the Team Canvas

Prompt implementation in everyday work

The learnings can be directly implemented in daily business, which facilitates the transfer to practice

Practical learning content

The content of the Agile Mentoring comes from the participants' own practice

Experienced experts

Assistance from agile coaches with know-how proven in practice

" During my conversion to full time scrum master I was coached by Marcus. His theoretical knowledge, years of hands on experience and a deep understanding of communication and interpersonal relationships helped me tremendously during the crucial first months."

Simply choose a package

Headstart package

Duration: 1 day (8h)

Support during the very first Scrum events - e.g. the dreaded sprint change

Identify problems and stumbling blocks

Carefree package

Duration: 1 sprint (2 weeks)

Participation in all Scrum events, incl. 1-on-1 pre and post meeting with joint reflection

Establishment and consolidation of new routines

Master your game package

Duration: 3 sprints (6 weeks)

Participation in all Scrum events, incl. 1-on-1 pre and post meeting with joint reflection

From a good Scrum Master to an outstanding Scrum Master

Why AOE is a good fit!

  • At AOE GmbH we draw on over 20 years of experience in agile software development with customers such as Deutsche Telekom and congstar
  • We are set up as an agile organization ourselves
  • All our Agile Coaches are certified and support you according to the latest standards

Get in touch

We're happy to discuss with you how we can support you

Dirk Althaus
Manager Strategic Initiatives

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