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Values & Culture
Values & Culture

Our values.
Our culture.
The spirit of AOE.

Our thoughts, our actions, and our work are all based on a common attitude – a working philosophy we designed together, a spirit we share together, every day.

What we care for.
Our values.

In our interaction with each other as well as with customers and partners, we rely on trust, open communication, and meeting at eye level. This way, we create optimal conditions for fair cooperation, creative ideas, and innovation.

Our culture.
The AOE ecosystem.

We create optimal conditions
for collaborative teams and innovation.

Our projects are successful because we develop the bests talent, with the right skills, into cross-functional teams – driving long-term productivity and efficiency. Basic principles of the AOE ecosystem are intrinsic motivation, shared alignment, and managing complexity. We trust in democratic principles and agile methods – creating the optimal environment to think in new ways and unleash talent in the best possible way.

Kian Gould

Kian Gould

What makes an agile setting work is trust. Open communication is therefore a key element in our projects – within AOE as well as with the customer. Every team gets to make well-founded decisions in their field of expertise and collaboratively takes responsibility for their tasks.

Get in touch.

We are happy to tell more about our values & culture.

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