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Cloud Consulting
Cloud Consulting

Reduce your AWS costs by up to 50%  
Get started now with our specialized cloud cost analysis

Discover untapped potential in your AWS Cloud and optimize your cost structure with our professional AWS Cloud cost analysis.

Request your quote 

Incentive-based billing

Pay just 10% of the savings we find for you - no additional costs, no risk!

Reduce costs by up to 50%

Save up to 50% AWS costs based on your unique architecture and requirements.

Achieve optimal efficiency

Certified experts identify cost drivers and savings potential using our unique 3D analysis to maximize the value of your AWS Cloud without compromising performance.

Why a cloud cost analysis?

In modern cloud environments, costs arise from dynamic resource usage. Without the right monitoring, companies can quickly spend more than necessary. With our professional cloud cost analysis, we bring transparency to your cloud infrastructure and help you to optimize your costs - without sacrificing performance.

Typical problem areas:

  • Unnecessary or outdated resources
  • Oversized cloud services
  • Lack of automation to reduce costs
  • Insufficient monitoring and management of cloud usage


How much savings can you achieve from your AWS Cloud?

100.000 €

Potential annual savings: 12,800 €1

Cost of the analysis: 7,500 €2

Implementation costs for the savings measures: 5,120 €3

Amortization in: N/A4

Show details

1Potential annual savings: Based on a potential reduction of 25.6% of annual AWS expenses. These percentages are statistical averages that we have determined from our experience working with clients. Example: With AWS expenses of 50,000 €, the savings would be 12,800 €.

2Cost of the analysis: The analysis costs amount to 10% of the potential savings, but at least 7,500 €. Example: If the savings are 12,800 €, the cost would be 1,280 €, but due to the minimum limit, they amount to 7,500 €.

3Implementation costs for savings measures: These costs for implementing savings measures are around 40% of the potential savings, based on our experience. These 40% are also an average value from previous projects. Example: With savings of 12,800 €, the implementation costs are 5,120 €.

4Amortization in: This shows the number of months required to offset the total costs (analysis and implementation costs) through the monthly savings. The calculation is based on the assumed average values. Example: With total costs of 12,620 € and monthly savings of 1,066.67 € (12,800 € / 12 months), the payback period is 12 months.

Optimize your cloud costs and performance!

Our AWS cloud cost analysis provides you with a sound basis for optimizing the costs and performance of your cloud architecture. You will receive a detailed report with concrete measures for cost optimization. The best thing about it: implementing our recommendations often amortizes the audit costs in a very short time and avoids future unnecessary expenditure.

Your benefits

Analysis & consulting

Our experienced experts identify all cost drivers and potentials.

AWS expertise

Benefit from our in-depth AWS expertise and many years of cloud experience.

Enterprise experience

We bring knowledge and experience from numerous large and critical IT projects.

Best practices

Alignment of your architecture and cloud automation with proven best practices.

Overview of costs & opportunities

Clear list of all costs and potential savings with recommendations for action.


Support with the implementation of your cloud migration.

Kevin Schu

Kevin Schu

Director Cloud and DevOps Consulting / AOE
Our customers are often surprised by the possibilities for cloud optimization. In particular in the areas of cloud automation and reserved instances, enormous savings potential can be found in many cases.

Request your quote now

Let us answer your questions and find the optimal solutions for your cloud costs together.Request a quote now.

Dirk Althaus
Manager Strategic Initiatives

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