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Insights / Blog / Inside AOE

Learning Culture & Teaching: AOE at University

August 22, 2022

For many years, we have been maintaining good contact and exchange with the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden. One example for that is our participation in their annual networking event that brings together students and companies offering computer science jobs. We also offer topics for internships or theses for students from computer science-related courses. In addition, we give students an insight into the work of a software provider by being open to excursions to our office and at our open day.

In the summer semester of 2022, we also offered two lectures at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences:

  • Web engineering / Leo Back & Fabian Piel
  • Cybersecurity / Steffen Ritter

Web engineering with AOE

Web engineering is an elective module in the fifth semester. The goal: After having acquired a basic knowledge of computer science, the students now gain insights from the world of web development.

In the lecture, we deliberately focus on the development of single page applications. Why? After the first semesters, which focus mainly on Java and backend, this opens up a different perspective on software development for the students. In addition, it's a highly topical subject. In our module, we therefore work with React, the frontend framework with the largest current market share.

AOE wouldn't be AOE if it were all purely theoretical. Therefore, the event is divided into two parts: In the first part, there is a theoretical introduction to React, and in the second half of the semester, the students do hands-on work on projects they have devised themselves.

Leo Back

Leo Back

Developer / AOE
Working with students is enriching for us as well: It opens up new perspectives on topics from our daily projects.

Learning culure as a company value

For us as a software service provider, collaboration with universities is important for a variety of reasons. On the one hand, we welcome the opportunity to meet the talents of tomorrow.

On the other hand, we at AOE find it extremely important to share and pass on knowledge and experience from our projects. Knowledge sharing therefore is part of our daily work anyway, whether among colleagues or with customers. We also offer workshops and courses on various topics as part of the AOE Academy.

So these lectures are a logical building block for us, and we look forward to continuing to work with universities and students and learn from each other in the future.