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Insights / Blog / Healthcare

World Usability Day 2022 at AOE: Our Health

November 30, 2022

As a worldwide event for products with good usability, World Usability Day (WUD) brings together research, industry, education, administration, and users every year on the second Thursday in November to exchange ideas on topics related to user experience, in 2022 on the subject of "Our Health". This year, for the first time, we at AOE hosted the WUD Rhein-Main at our office in Wiesbaden. The focus was primarily on solutions in the context of digital health – and the question of how such services and products can be made accessible and easy to use for everyone.

UX professionals, newcomers, interested parties and health (business) enthusiasts could expect a keynote speech, impulse presentations, food, music and networking – and plenty of time and space for reflection and discussion. For us it was a great event and we are very happy to have been able to exchange with other experts on usability topics this year as host of the WUD Rhein-Main, apart from our customer projects.

Usable security for digital health products

In her presentation, Wilma Wunderer (UX & Interaction Design, AOE GmbH) showed that user-friendliness and secure access do not have to be a contradiction in terms for healthcare applications. She illustrated how the concept "security by design" takes security into account from the very beginning of the development process and that "usable security", i.e. security measures that are as convenient to use as possible, is important in order to avoid risky workarounds. One example is user-friendly authentication via single sign-on, which enables healthcare staff to log in, log out and log in again to different applications with just one access.

Impulse talk
Transparency of ingredients in decorative cosmetics

What's in it? For consumers of cosmetic products, this is increasingly becoming a purchase criterion. At the same time, they often have only a vague understanding of the ingredients; harmful substances are often suspected behind chemical terms. In their presentation, Melanie Wieland and Katharina Stock (UX Researcher, cosnova GmbH) showed what manufacturers can do to improve the user experience in this context based on examples.

Impulse talk
User research in the design process

"Strategic design" and scientific methods for more innovation capability? In his presentation, Christoph Erle (User Research & Communication, iconstorm GmbH) talked about how design methods can be used strategically to trigger the innovation process and why it is particularly important in the healthcare industry to understand the deeper needs of users. Structured, explorative user interviews are one instrument for this – in this way, design and innovation projects can benefit from transferring scientific methods into design.

We would like to thank all speakers and participants for their professional input, questions, discussions and exchange, in short: for an inspiring World Usability Day 2022 on the topic of "Our Health" – and we are looking forward to next year!