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Services /
Cloud & DevOps
Services / Cloud & DevOps

Cloud & DevOps trainings

Our experienced cloud & DevOps trainers educate your IT teams, demonstrate best practices with concrete use cases, and provide direct value to your business.

Request individual training

Our cloud & DevOps training portfolio

Hands-on, independent, from experienced experts

Cloud & DevOps

Kubernetes 101

Fundamentals in Kubernetes

Kubernetes 101

We'll show the basics and concepts of Kubernetes, what problems it can solve, as well as best practices and helpful tools.

Cloud & DevOps

Terraform in action

Introduction and basics

Terraform in action

In this training we give an introduction to Terraform, explain the benefits, how to use Terraform efficiently and how to avoid mistakes.

Cloud & DevOps

From Zero to Cloud

DevOps Best Practices

From Zero to Cloud

In this training, we will show what clean development and deployment processes can look like in concrete terms.

Request your individual Cloud & DevOps training

Specifically tailored to your business needs

  • Training content tailored to meet your business needs 
  • Specifically customized to the know-how of the employees
  • Hands-on learning from experienced experts

You're looking for an individual cloud & devops training for your team? We're happy to develop a concept that fits the requirements, problems and knowledge level of your employees. We will then connect you with one of our experts as soon as possible.

Cloud & DevOps Consultings

In addition to our trainings, we also offer cloud & DevOps consulting and guidance. You will find pre-defined consulting packages, feel free to ask for individual consultings especially for your requirements. 

To our consultings

Our Academy expert

We are happy to create your individual training

Cordula Kartheininger