AOE Technology RadarAOE Technology Radar


> 'node'.split('').sort().join('')
> 'deno'

Deno is a secure, modern JavaScript and TypeScript runtime built on the V8 JavaScript engine. It was developed as a more secure and developer-friendly alternative to Node.js by Ryan Dahl, the core author of Node.js.

Deno prioritizes security by default, enforcing strict permissions for file system access, network access, and environment variable usage. It also offers improved performance, thanks to its utilization of the latest JavaScript features and optimizations. Deno supports TypeScript out of the box, allowing developers to take advantage of static type checking and other TypeScript features. It incorporates a built-in module system, reducing dependency conflicts and simplifying module management.

With its streamlined developer experience, which includes a standard library and support for modern language features, Deno offers a compelling option for JavaScript and TypeScript developers.