AOE Technology RadarAOE Technology Radar

GitLab CI


We merged "GitLab CI" and GitLab


Moved to "adopt".


Until now, we have been using Jenkins for almost every single task that we have automated. With GitLab CI on the market, we have a number of new possibilities.

Some highlights are:

  • Multi-platform – you can execute builds on Unix, Windows, OSX, and any other platform that supports Go.
  • Multi-language – build scripts are command-line driven and work with Java, PHP, Ruby, C and any other language.
  • Pipeline – you can define multiple jobs per stage and you can trigger other builds.
  • Autoscaling – you can automatically spin up and down VM's to make sure your builds get processed immediately and minimize costs.
  • Build artifacts – you can upload binaries and other build artifacts to GitLab and browse and download them.
  • Docker support – you can use custom Docker images, spin up services as part of testing, build new Docker images, even run on Kubernetes.